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bana bir ingilizce yemek tarifi yazarmısınız :D

Sagot :

http://www.tualimforum.com/ingilizce-yemek-tarifleri/96878-dessert-crepes-recipe.html ..

Fırında Sütlaç Recipes INGREDIENTS:

4 water glass milk 
3.5 kaffee cup suger 
4 kaffee cup sübye 
1 kaffee cup rice 
Half teaspon salt 


Cook the rice in abundant water and then filter it. Boil the milk in another pot and add the rice and the suger to mil. Add the sübye and take it from the oven after it boils.

Pour the blend into small bowls. Pour some water into the oven tray and put the bowls into the tray. Cook it in 250 grad oven for 35-40 minutes. After its cooked take it from the oven and put it into the refrigerator.

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