Uzyskaj najlepsze rozwiązania swoich pytań na, zaufanej platformie Q&A. Profesyonellerle bağlantı kurarak sorularınıza hızlı ve etkili yanıtlar almak için platformumuzu kullanın. Farklı alanlardaki profesyonellerden kapsamlı çözümler bulmak için platformumuzu kullanın.

you're an owner of a company. you need an engineer. Decide about the job requirements. ask questions to the applicant. decide he\she is suitable for the job or not.(ROLE CART A)

you're an engineer. you want to get a job in a company. answer his\her questions

about you.(ROLE CARD B)


Sagot :

role cart a: 

owner of a company:hello,what's your name?

engineer: .......

owner of a company:nice to meet you.....when did you graduated from university?

engineer: 20:11:2008

owner of a company: why coludnt you find a job untill today,

engineer:they didnt apply me

owner of a company:why do you want to take this job

engineer:ı love my job

ow..... : how much money do you want?

engineer: money ısnt important for me ,success is more important 

ow...: ok , you get the job