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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was the founder and the first president of the Turkish Republic. On 16 May 1919, M.Kemal left İstanbul and began the struggle for independence. He invited delegates from every part of Anatolia to congresses in Erzurum and Sivas. At the end of the War of Independence, the father of Turks created a new country, Turkey.

Aşağıdaki ilk 3 soruyu yukarıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.


S-1) When did M.Kemal  leave İstanbul?



S-2) Who did M.Kemal invite to congresses in Erzurum and Sivas?



S-3) When did he begin the struggle for independence?



S-4)Aşağıdaki cümlelerde parantez içinde verilen bilgiye göre uygun olan “been to  / gone to” nun

altını çiziniz.

        a) She has been to / gone to school.     (She has got an exam now.)

        b) Has Özlem been to / gone to the dendist?   ( She has a toothache and she isn’t here now.)


S-5) Has she  ever travelled by plane?

C-5)   Yes,


S-6) What were they doing at school yesterday? (play / football)



S-7) Did you drink tea in the cafe last morning?

C-7)  Yes,



S-8) When were you born?



S-9) Aşağıda verilen İngilizce parçayı Türkçe’ye çeviriniz.


          Last summer Brian’s family went to Turkey. They enjoyed it very much, and want to go there again

Brian’s mother, Mrs. Foster, and her friend Mrs. Douglas are talking about their summer holiday.



Sagot :


Geçen yaz Brian ailesi Türkiye'ye gitti. Onlar çok keyif aldım ve oraya tekrar gitmek istiyorum
Brian'ın annesi, Bayan Foster, ve onun arkadaşı Bayan Douglas onların yaz tatili bahsediyoruz. sadece metni türkçe ye çevirdim:)