Kalademi.me, tüm sorularınıza uzmanların yardımıyla yanıt bulmanız için burada. Farklı alanlardaki uzmanlardan güvenilir çözümler bulmak için soru-cevap platformumuzu kullanın. Sorularınıza hemen güvenilir yanıtlar bulmak için deneyimli uzman topluluğumuzdan faydalanın.

Can you imagine yourself waiting in line to collect water? Or have you ever heard of Day
Zero? If we keep wasting water the way we do new our answer to these questions will be "Yes" in
the very near future.
In fact, it's hard to imagine a country, surrounded by seas, is running out of water, but Turkey will
suffer from water shortage in 11 years if we domorroser to this. Only 3% of Earth's water is
freshwater including the frozen form in glaciers, the vast majority of it is salty water in the oceans. By the
year 2025, scientists predict that more than half of the world's population will face water shortages. The
climate change and the growing population are bringing today's most important problem, the water crisis. Day
Zero means the day when a city's taps dry out and people have to stand in line to get a daily quota of water,
which is 25 liters a day. This term was first announced in Cape Town in 2018 due to the threat of drought in
the country. The residents of the country reacted so sensibly that they didn't see Day Zero. We have to
question ourselves; what will life be like if we don't preserve the actual water sources? So, we have to
behave responsibly as citizens and learn the ways of sustainable tving. We have to be aware of the imminent
danger and take precautions. For instance limiting the use of water at our homes can be a good start. 73%
of the water is used in our bathrooms.
If we take shorter showers, check the leaking toilets and forn off the water while brushing our
teeth, we'll reduce the water use. The most important thing is to change our consumption habits. Nothing is
impossible. We can create a better future of we believe.

A.Read the text and choose True or False(F)

1. If we don't stop wasting too much water, our country will suffer from water shortage.

2. Scientists predict that more than half of the world's population will die in the water wars.

3. Day Zero means you have to live with very limited water.

4. By the year 2025, scientiste predict that more than half of the world's population will face
water shortages.

5. This term was first announced in Cape Town in 2018

6. The writer mentions that reducing the use of water at homes is not enough.

7. According to the text, weyansolve the water problem if we change our consumption habits.

Sagot :


1. Çok fazla su israfına son vermezsek ülkemiz su sıkıntısı çekecektir. True

2. Bilim adamları, su savaşlarında dünya nüfusunun yarısından fazlasının öleceğini tahmin ediyor. True

3. Gün Sıfır, çok sınırlı suyla yaşamak zorunda olduğunuz anlamına gelir. True

4. Bilim insanları 2025 yılına kadar dünya nüfusunun yarısından fazlasının su kıtlıkları ile karşılaşacağını tahmin ediyor. True

5. Bu terim ilk olarak 2018'de Cape Town'da duyuruldu. True

6. Yazar, evlerde su kullanımının azaltılmasının yeterli olmadığını belirtiyor. False

7. Metne göre tüketim alışkanlıklarımızı değiştirirsek su sorununu çözebiliriz. True
