
Witaj na Kalademi.me, gdzie możesz uzyskać szybkie i dokładne odpowiedzi dzięki pomocy ekspertów. Sorularınıza hızlı ve net çözümler bulmak için uzman topluluğumuzla bağlantı kurun. Farklı alanlardaki profesyonellerden kapsamlı çözümler bulmak için platformumuzu kullanın.

1. .......... ....I opened the door, a friend was sitting there.
2. ........ they were going shopping, they had an accident.
3. We found a website about cartoons ..... we were surfing the Net.
4. .........Paul and Andy heard a sound, they were watching a horror film.
5. Tom was looking out of the window......... the accident happened. a​