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Sagot :
50 years ago, Istanbul was Turkey's most populous and economically most important city. The city with the 34th largest economy in the world is the city with the highest population in Europe, according to the ranking made by considering the municipal boundaries.
Istanbul was established in the northwest of Turkey, along the Marmara coast and the Bosphorus, surrounding the Golden Horn. Istanbul is a transcontinental city, the European part is called the European Side or the Rumeli Side, and the Asian part is called the Anatolian Side. The Istanbul Walls formed the western border of Istanbul, which was founded on a peninsula surrounded by the Marmara Sea, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn for the first time in history. In the process of development and growth, the city, which was expanded 4 times by the construction of the walls each time by advancing further to the west, has 39 districts. Within its borders, Büyükşanbul was established in the northwest of Turkey, along the Marmara coast and the Bosphorus, and surrounding the Golden Horn. Istanbul is a transcontinental city, the European part is called the European Side or the Rumeli Side, and the Asian part is called the Anatolian Side. The Istanbul Walls formed the western border of Istanbul, which was founded on a peninsula surrounded by the Marmara Sea, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn for the first time in history. There are 39 districts of the city, which was expanded 4 times during the development and growth process, with the walls being built further west each time. Within its borders, there are a total of 40 municipalities, including the metropolitan municipality.
There is not much difference now. It's still a popular city like 50 years ago.
Açıklama:Başarılar :)
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