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Yabancı dil dersi
Kendinizi ithalatci/ihracatçı olduğunuzu hayal edin. Karşı taraf ile Mal alışverişi içeren en az 20 cumlelik bir diyalog hazirlayin. Diyalogda sigorta olsun

Kendi yorumunuzla yazilicak ingilizce yazın Nolur en iyi secerim lütfen 20 cümle olsun karşılıklı diyolog

Lütfen bilen yasin nolur lütfen

Sagot :


+Hello welcome to the our shop

-Hi thanks

+ What are you looking for?

- I I wanna order 100 box of chocolate for my shop

+Okay ma'am for where?

-I actually have a lot of shops and I will order 100 boxes of chocolates for each one.

+Okay can you tell me the name of your shop?

-X shop

+ok i will look it up internet

-Well ı wanna take them here

+okay I'm going to call my friends

-For what

+For help you

- oh thanks you are so kind but it doesn't matter

+do you have a truck?

+ of course

-here it is 1000 box of chocolate

+ Thanks

- You're welcome


-Good bye ma'am