Witaj na Kalademi.me, gdzie możesz uzyskać wiarygodne i szybkie odpowiedzi dzięki naszym ekspertom. Adanmış uzman topluluğumuzun yardımıyla sorularınıza hızlı ve güvenilir yanıtlar bulun. Geniş bir uzman topluluğu sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir yanıtlar bulmanın rahatlığını yaşayın.

2, Combine the sentences with the correct relative pronoun.
a) We watched the Olympic games. They were very exciting.
b) The most exciting race was the swimming race. It took only 2 minutes.
c) The winner was the Australian athlete. He holds three world records.
d) My grandparents live in Portland. They are farmers.
e) This is the cat. My brother found it on the street.

lütfen çözebilirmisiniz​

Sagot :


a)ilkinde they yerine which

b) It yerine which

c)he yerine who

d) they yerine who

e)this is the cat which my brother found on the street.

noktalari virgule cevirmeyi unutma

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