Witaj na Kalademi.me, gdzie możesz uzyskać szybkie i dokładne odpowiedzi dzięki pomocy ekspertów. Sorularınıza hemen güvenilir yanıtlar bulmak için deneyimli uzman topluluğumuzdan faydalanın. Sorularınıza hemen güvenilir yanıtlar bulmak için deneyimli uzman topluluğumuzdan faydalanın.

C. Read the text and write the time of George and Steve's daily activities. Hi! My name is George, and this is my brother, Steve. I want to talk about our typical day. My brother and I get up at half past six in the morning. We wash our hands and face before breakfast We have breakfast with our parents at seven o'clock. My mother helps my brother get ready for school. At half past seven, we leave home for school. It takes ŞİMDİ SORULAR1. George and Steve get up at five minutes to walk to the bus stop. We 2. They have breakfast at get on the bus at quarter to eight. Our 3. They leave home for school at school starts at half past eight but we 4. They arrive at the bus stop at arrive at school twenty minutes before 5. They come to school at the first class. We have seven classes a 6. Their first class starts at day. We have our lunch at the school cafeteria at half past twelve. Our school 7. They have lunch at 8. The school finishes at finishes at quarter past three.​

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