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4. Language is made up of a number of different components. Phonetics deals with the sounds of particular words, and how they are produced and understood. ---- There are 107 distinct sounds in it, plus a large number of modifiers that can be applied according to accents and intonation. A) Linguists have developed a phonetic alphabet of speech sounds that is independent of any particular language. B) Speaking a foreign language can help you give an added advantage in your career if you work for an international firm with international customers. C) Meanwhile, syntax is the name linguists give to the rules of grammar - how individual words are put together to form sentences. D) If you like literature, films or music from other countries, learning the language will help your appreciation and understanding. E) In general, the more similar a language is to your own in terms of sounds, grammar or vocabulary, the easier you will find it to learn. -c​

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