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Sagot :
Fatih Sultan Mehmet was born on March 29, 1432 in Edirne. His father is Sultan Murad II and his mother is Huma Hatun. Mehmed the Conqueror was a tall, full-cheeked, curved nose, muscular and strong sultan. He was one of the greatest scholars of his time and spoke seven foreign languages. He often gathered scholars, poets and artists and enjoyed chatting with them. He would write and review articles on interesting and unfamiliar topics.
Akşemseddin, who also served as his teacher, is one of the most valued scholars of Fatih Sultan Mehmed. Fatih Sultan Mehmet was very cool and brave. He was a unique commander and administrator. He wouldn't say anything, even to his closest relatives, about what he was going to do.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet loved to read. He read philosophical works translated into Persian and Arabic. In 1466, he had the Ptolemaic Map translated again and had the names on the map written in Arabic letters. In scientific matters, he would protect scholars, regardless of their religion or sect, and have them dictate works.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet, who attached great importance to science, had great scholars from foreign countries brought to Istanbul. As a matter of fact, astronomy scholar Ali Kuşçu came to Istanbul in his own time. He invited the famous painter Bellini to Istanbul and had his own painting painted. He was poetic and open-minded.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet ruled until 1481 and personally participated in 25 expeditions. He had determination and willpower. There was certainly a personality that implements the decisions and gave cautious. He was very harsh in government administration. He would be very brave in wars, and would encourage the soldiers to fight by pushing forward to prevent defeat.
Sultan Mehmed II, who became the Ottoman sultan at the age of 20, took the title of Fatih by conquering Istanbul and eliminating the 1100-year-old Eastern Roman Empire.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet, who also succeeded in being the great commander who conquered Istanbul, which was heralded in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was a Turkish ruler who made his friends and enemies accept his power with his high talent and genius.
Cihan Emperor Fatih Sultan Mehmed, who closed the Middle Ages and opened the New Age, died on May 3, 1481 in Maltepe due to Nikris' illness and was buried in the Fatih Tomb next to the Fatih Mosque.
Açıklama: Pek kısa değil ama nys :)
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