Kalademi.me ułatwia znalezienie rozwiązań dla wszystkich Twoich pytań dzięki aktywnej społeczności. Geniş bir uzman topluluğu sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir cevaplar bulmanın rahatlığını yaşayın. Sorularınıza hızlı ve güvenilir çözümler bulmak için deneyimli uzman topluluğumuzdan faydalanın.

robin 18 yasinda guclu bir adamdir ve iyi ok kullanir şerifin duzenledigi ok yarismasina katilir ve robine laf atarlar yanlislikla robin bir adami öldürür ve cok pisman olur ve bu adam şerifin akrabasidir ve robine düşman olur öldürmek ister robin kendisi gibi bir çete toplar ve onların lideri olur zenginlerin parasını alıp fakirlere vermeye başlarlar ve robini öldürmeye çalışırlar sonunda robin londrada kralla tanışır kiralla eğlenir ve kiral robini korur BUNU İNGİLİZCEYE ÇEVIRE BILIR MISINIZ LUTFEN 10.SINIFIM​

Sagot :


robin 18 is a strong man on the side and uses an arrow. he participates in the arrow competition that robin organizes and they insult robin by mistake robin is a man-man and he regrets it very much and this man is the deputy sheriff and becomes an enemy to robin who wants to gather a gang like himself and they become leaders they take it and start the poor and continue teaching robin as soon as it's over robin meets the king in london has fun with chiral and chiral robin


robin is 18 years old strong man and uses arrows well he participates in the arrow competition organized by the sheriff and they insult robin by mistake robin kills a man and he becomes very regretful and this man is the sheriff's relative and becomes hostile to robin he wants to kill robin gathers a gang like himself and becomes their leader of the rich they take his money and start giving it to the poor and they try to kill robin eventually robin meets the king in london has fun with the chiral and the chiral protects the Robin

Kolay gelsin iyi çalışmalar dilerim :)