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Dernek organizasyonlarının amacı nedir ingilizce paragraf uzun olursa sevinirim ​

Sagot :


Society; To establish the concept of mentoring correctly both in society and in all kinds of businesses, to ensure that mentoring is adopted as a professional profession in the eyes of the state and society, to take an active and active role in the creation of mentoring profession criteria, to ensure that professional ethics are established and to be carried out by national and international institutions related to mentoring. It was established with the aim of supporting the activities carried out with the aim of determining the forms and principles of all kinds of accreditation, supporting the lifelong development of mentors, and facilitating the access of businesses of all stages and sizes to mentor service.

Working Subjects and Forms to be Continued by the Association

To conduct researches for the activation and development of their activities, to organize organizations for the development of the relations of mentors and entrepreneurs, to organize training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and panels, to produce all kinds of information, documents, documents and publications necessary for the realization of the purpose, to establish a documentation center, To publish publications such as newspapers, magazines, books and bulletins in line with its aims in order to announce it, To provide a healthy working environment for the realization of the purpose, to provide all kinds of technical tools and equipment, fixtures and stationery, To provide the income it needs for the realization of the purposes of the Regulation, to establish and operate commercial and industrial enterprises, to make sponsorship agreements with all kinds of real and legal persons. i meetings with dinner, concerts, balls, theater, exhibitions, sports, excursions and entertaining events, etc., in order to develop and maintain relations. To organize meetings or to enable its members to benefit from such activities, To organize meetings and promotion days to explain itself, its activities and purpose, To purchase, sell, rent, lease movable and immovable properties needed for the activities of the Association, and to establish real rights on immovables, Realization of the purpose to establish or join other associations, foundations, federations in the country and abroad, or to join established ones, to establish facilities that associations can establish by obtaining the necessary permission, to carry out international activities, to become a member of associations or organizations abroad in line with their objectives, and to cooperate with these organizations, and/ or to cooperate, If deemed necessary for the realization of the purpose, without prejudice to the provisions of the Law No. 5072 on the Relationship of Associations and Foundations with Public Institutions and Organizations, to carry out joint projects with public institutions and organizations in their field of duty, Opening branches and representative offices in places deemed relevant, Creating platforms to achieve a common goal with other associations or foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in areas that are related to the purpose of the Association and not prohibited by law, To carry out all kinds of activities that are needed for the realization of the purpose and not prohibited by law, By following the calls for proposals from the World Bank, European Union Funds, Development Agencies, applying to any project suitable for its purpose alone or together with all kinds of domestic and foreign non-governmental organizations or real or legal persons, ensuring the execution of the projects, or to establish websites, to open all kinds of social media accounts and to manage accounts with this site, to print, use and make use of mobile applications that can work on any mobile platform. to establish strategic collaborations to ensure that these are carried out by individuals or institutions. All kinds of training, conferences, panels and other meetings, meals and other cultural and entertaining activities, any strategic partnerships or collaborations that it will establish, membership fees and donations within the framework of legally permitted principles; generating income through sponsorships,

Field of Activity of the Association

The association operates in the social and business world, at home