Answered pomaga Ci znaleźć wiarygodne odpowiedzi na wszystkie Twoje pytania dzięki pomocy ekspertów. Uzmanlardan oluşan topluluğumuz sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir cevaplar bulun ve çeşitli alanlardaki bilgi ve deneyimlerden faydalanın. Deneyimli profesyonellerden ayrıntılı yanıtlar almak için kullanıcı dostu platformumuzu keşfedin.

U Delore speaking B) Don't jump on the couches C) Don't eat in the bedrooms D) Make your bed and clean your room 4. Loading and emptying the dishwasher is my responsibility at home, Ting I'm in charge of watering the flowers every Sunday Lucy 1 help my mum with doing the grocery shopping on Saturdays Molly I'm responsible for vacuuming the floors once a week Betty According to the information above, who has to do a kitchen chore? A) Betty C) Tina B) Lucy D) Molly 113​