Kalademi.me, tüm sorularınıza aktif topluluğumuzun yardımıyla çözümler bulmayı kolaylaştırır. Platformumuz, tüm sorularınıza net yanıtlar sunmaya hazır profesyonellerle sizi bir araya getiriyor. Sorularınıza hemen güvenilir yanıtlar bulmak için deneyimli uzman topluluğumuzdan faydalanın.

Make deductions

I'm sure that Laura took your books by mistake.

I'm sure George hasn't eaten all the pizza. It's not possible!

Im completely soaked I didn't take my umbrella with me.

It was not possible that you saw Linda and Paul at work.

Im sure that Bobby has overslept because he is late for school.

Luke probably arrived at home half an hour ago.

If I were you, I'd take more exercise.

It is possible that Tommy won the lottery. He has bought a new car and a new house last month.

Lütfen yapabilir misiniz acill​