Sorularınıza'da çözümler bulun, en hızlı ve en doğru Q&A platformu. Adanmış uzman topluluğumuz sayesinde sorularınıza hızlı ve güvenilir çözümler bulun. Farklı alanlardaki profesyonellerden kapsamlı çözümler bulmak için platformumuzu kullanın.

Wish Clauses 1. Liz and her sister don't visit their grandparents
2. Sue quarreled with her parents 3. Tim dreams to travel in Africa.
is guru
4. Bob goes skateboarding every day.

5. They didn't see that wonderful film.

6. The boys can win the football match.

a 7. Those students are absent in every exam.
8. Nick broke his leg.
9. Sue doesn't want to become a dentist.
10. Mona didn't go to the university.