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what are the differences between your life before Covid-19 pandemic and your life now
ingilizce konusma sinavim varda 5 tane cümle yazabilir misiniz acil de​

Sagot :


Cevap:-before covid-19, i would go out with my friends a lot. (covid-19dan once arkadaslarimla sıkca bulusurdum)

- i wouldn't wear masks too often, but now its a part of my life. (cok fazla maske takmazdim, artik hayatimin bir parcasi)

-i would hug and kiss the people i love but now i can't during the pandemic. (sevdigim kisileri oper onlara sarilirdim fakar suan yapamiyorum pandemi nedeniyle.)

-i wouldn't care about touching the doors or any social thing but now i wash my hands after every single thing. (kapilara dokunmak gibi sosyal seylere dokunmayi vb umursamazdim fakat suan en ufak seyde ellerimi yikiyorum.)

-i was going to courses but during the pandemic they closed them. (kurslara gidiyordum ama pandemide kapattilar.)


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