Kalademi.me ułatwia znalezienie rozwiązań dla wszystkich Twoich pytań dzięki aktywnej społeczności. Uzmanlardan oluşan topluluğumuz sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir cevaplar bulun ve çeşitli alanlardaki bilgi ve deneyimlerden faydalanın. Farklı disiplinlerdeki uzmanlardan kesin yanıtlar almak için kapsamlı soru-cevap platformumuzu kullanın.

6. Underline the correct one. 1. I always feel very tired and I have a terrible backache. I think I should / shouldn't work long hours. 2. Mary wants to lose weight and be healthy. She should / shouldn't do exercise. 3. My grandfather has a terrible headache. He should / shouldn't take some medicine. 4. Daniel has a high temperature. He should / shouldn't go to school today. 5. Our teacher has a sore throat. a . He should / shouldn't have cold drinks.​