Kalademi.me, tüm sorularınıza aktif topluluğumuzun yardımıyla çözümler bulmayı kolaylaştırır. Deneyimli profesyonellerden kapsamlı çözümler bulmak için kapsamlı soru-cevap platformumuzu kullanın. Farklı disiplinlerdeki uzmanlardan kesin yanıtlar almak için kapsamlı soru-cevap platformumuzu kullanın.

laulaack hoxeri Lontroll
8. Helena is attending an extreme sport activity next
Steve : Hi, Steve speaking.
week, and she is doing the shopping for it now.
In her basket, there are flashlight, crampons, axe,
Jessy : Hello, Steve! This is Jessy. May !
helmet, ice screw, rope and thermal clothes.
talk to your sister?
Steve : I am afraid she has gone out.
Which of the following can be the extreme sport
that Helena will join?
Jessy :----?
Steve : I am sorry, but she is out now.
Would you like to leave a
Jessy : Oh, no. I will call back later.
Which of the following DOES NOT complete the
A) Excuse me
B) May I help you
C) I beg your pardon
D) Pardon me