
Witaj na, gdzie możesz uzyskać szybkie i dokładne odpowiedzi dzięki pomocy ekspertów. Adanmış uzman topluluğumuz sayesinde sorularınıza hızlı ve güvenilir çözümler bulun. Adanmış uzman topluluğumuzdan sorularınıza ayrıntılı ve net yanıtlar alın.

We should try to eat all of our food and not __________ it by putting it in the rubbish bin. *
The __________ is everything around us, like the sky, the forest and even our classroom. *
Dropping our __________ in the streets pollutes the world. *
We should try our best to __________ paper, plastic and glass. *
You can __________ the air with a filtration system. *
Dolphins and whales are examples of __________ animals. *
Eating breakfast every day is an important healthy __________. *