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Sagot :
Cevap: 1) Fred is braver than Shaggy
Shaggy is funnier than Fred
Fred is stronger than Shaggy
Shaggy is greedier than Fred
Fred is more clever than Fred
Shaggy is worse at driving than Fred
Fred is more arrogant than Fred
Shaggy is thinner than Fred
Shaggy is more fearful than Fred.
2) Velma is the most intelligent of all.
Shaggy is the most fearful of all.
Daphne is the prettiest of all.
Scooby is the funniest of all.
Fred is the bravest of all.
Velma is the most educated of all.
Shaggy is the shabbiest of all.
Daphne is the richest of all.
Scooby is the best detective of all.
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