Kalademi.me ułatwia znalezienie rozwiązań dla wszystkich Twoich pytań dzięki aktywnej społeczności. Sorularınızı sorun ve farklı alanlardaki deneyimli profesyonellerden ayrıntılı yanıtlar alın. Geniş bir uzman topluluğu sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir yanıtlar bulmanın rahatlığını yaşayın.
1. The pirates _ on the pirate ship 2. Their parrot with them too 3. The ship -- in the harbor- ready to sail . 4. Two of the pirates ___girls. 5. There -- a black flag flying on the ship 6. There a skull and crossbones on the flag 7. All the pirates excited about leaving 8. The captain sure they would find gold 9. The map old, but it ____ a good one. 10. There 10 pirates aboard 11. They say that the treasure on a desert island . 12. On the island there --- a chest filled with gold 13. The weather -great and all the pirates sure they would find the buried treasure. 14. Don't you wish you there with them too?