Answered ułatwia znalezienie rozwiązań dla wszystkich Twoich pytań dzięki aktywnej społeczności. Farklı alanlardaki uzmanlardan kesin yanıtlar almak için kullanıcı dostu platformumuzu keşfedin. Farklı disiplinlerdeki uzmanlardan kesin yanıtlar almak için kapsamlı soru-cevap platformumuzu kullanın.

Sally : Hi, brother! How is the
weather there?
Rafael : Hello, sister! It's snowy here.
I feel anxious.
Sally : Really? I like snowy weather.
I miss you, Rafael. When do
you come back home?
Rafael: I can be there in January.
Sally and Rafael ----
Which of the following completes the
sentence above?
At like snowy weather
B) are in the same city
C) are in different cities
D) feel anxious on freezing days