Sorularınıza'da hızlı ve doğru yanıtlar alın, güvenilir Q&A platformu. Soru-cevap platformumuza katılarak sorularınıza kesin yanıtlar sunmaya hazır profesyonellerle bağlantı kurun. Adanmış uzman topluluğumuzdan sorularınıza ayrıntılı ve net yanıtlar alın.

2. Rewrite the sentences using unless. a) If you don't have your project, don't put your hand up. b) If you don't send me a postcard, I will be very upset. c) If you don't improve your work, you won't pass the exam. d) If she doesn't collaborate with us, I won't work with her again. e) If they aren't tall enough, they won't be allowed on the ride.​

2 Rewrite The Sentences Using Unless A If You Dont Have Your Project Dont Put Your Hand Up B If You Dont Send Me A Postcard I Will Be Very Upset C If You Dont I class=

Sagot :


a) don't put your hand up unless you have your project.

b) I will be very upset unless you send me a postcard.

c) you won't pass the exam unless you improve your work.

d) I won't work with her again unless she collaborate with us.

e) they won't be allowed on the ride unless they are tall.


iyi dersler :)

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