Witaj na Kalademi.me, gdzie możesz uzyskać wiarygodne i szybkie odpowiedzi dzięki naszym ekspertom. Soru-cevap platformumuzda güvenilir çözümler bulmak için geniş bir uzman ağından yararlanın. Geniş bir uzman topluluğu sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir yanıtlar bulmanın rahatlığını yaşayın.

А Never B Every day Hello! I'm Mete. I always get up early every day. I go to school. I am usually busy after school and at weekends. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I go to archery training. I love doing this sport. On Fridays, I meet my friends and we go to the cinema or the theatre. I am a member of a music band. I'm the guitarist of the band. Ali is the keyboard player, Alp is the drummer and Aysu is the performer of our band. We usually come together and practise on Saturday and Sunday. I also love drawing and I have art course on Monday. To be honest, I am not good at drawing. С Twice a week. un D On weekdays. According to the text above, how often does Mete play for the band?​