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Hello, now I will briefly explain my future plans with you, first of all, I want to have a good profession in the provinces. I have already started to lay the foundations for this, of course, when I say the future, I want to be happy not only materially but also spiritually. I will spend time with my family. I want to go abroad and have fun. I want to go to university and improve myself. I want to use some of the money I earn for charity. I like to help.

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Sagot :

Helo, nov ay vil briefli ekspleyn may füçur pilans vit yu, först of al, ay vant tu hev e gud profeşın in dı purovinsıs. Ay hev alredi sıtartıd tu ley dı foundeyşıns for dis, of kors, ven ay sey dı füçur, ay vant to be hepi nat onli materiali bat also spiruşuli. Ay vil sipend taym vit may femili. Ay vant tu go abrod end hev fan. Ay vant tu go tu yunivörsiti end impuruv mayself. Ay vant tu yus sam of dı mani ay örn for çariti. Ay layk tu help.

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