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Sagot :

Başta kelimeleri kitaptan çıkar ezberle .

elli kadar soruyor benimde öyle 89 aldım.

elay my own schedule.

C)I turned down my sister’s offer of help, thinking of the possibility that she might hinder me.

D)My sister said she wanted to help me, but I thought she would just hinder me.

E)It was possible that my sister would delay me; so I rejected her offer of hel


75-You feel that the time in your life has come to buy a flat or a house. Not really knowing how to go about it, you go to an estate agent. He takes you to see several places. At each one he talks a lot, and very fast, but you think they are all over-priced. While you do not wish to accuse him of dishonesty, and you do not wish to appear poor, you do want him to know that you have a price limit and you also want value for money. With this in mind you say to him:

A)I think it'd be best if I told you my upper limit and you showed me the best you have in that price range.

B)Please, save your sales talk for people with more money than good sense.

C)I wouldn't give you half what you're asking for any of these places.

D)I didn't know that prices had gone up so much in recent years. I think I have to save up some more.

E)You don't really sell anything at these prices, do you? They are so high!

76-You’ve planned a picnic for tomorrow, and so you're rather concerned about the weather. The radio is on and you're chatting to a friend when suddenly you hear the start of the weather forecast. Anxious not to miss it, you say to your friend:

A)Hang on a moment. I want to hear this.

B)Are you coming on the picnic tomorrow?

C)We must leave early tomorrow morning

D)Have you heard the weather forecast yet?

E)Do you think it's likely to rain tomorrow?

77-You're at a party, talking to a couple you've just met. The man is one of those people who thinks he knows everything. His wife seems quite shy, and when she finally speaks, her husband instantly interrupts her. He's irritating you, and while you don't want to be rude, you'd much rather talk to her, so you turn to her and say encouragingly:

A)Let's go away and talk somewhere else in private.

B)Is your husband always like this or is he drunk?

C)Sorry, what were you saying? That was interesting.

D)You're much more interesting than your husband.

E)How did you two end up getting married to each other?

78-You have a summer job working in a dress shop. A rather plump woman comes into the shop trying to find a dress for a special evening. The dress she tries on makes her look really fat. You want to make a sale, but you're honest, so you say tactfully:

A)I'm sorry to be frank, but that makes you look like a whale.

B)Well, if you lost a few pounds it wouldn't look too bad.

C)That colour's good on you. but let me find you a different style.

D)Don't you look wonderful! All the other women will be jealous.

E)Perhaps if you wore a jacket, your hips wouldn't look so big.

79-Your elderly neighbour has to go into hospital for a minor operation. She's worrying about it, and feeling afraid. You try to comfort her by emphasising how simple this operation is, so you say:

A)You should be grateful - some people wait years for this treatment.

B)The doctors do this operation every day - you'll be just fine.

C)Don't worry. That hospital is noted for its efficient doctors in such major operations.

D)Don't make such a fuss about it. Many people are worse off.

E)Look at it this way - you're 77 and you've had a good life already.

80-One of your friends hasn't got much money. For your birthday, she makes you a bag herself. You're really thrilled that she's gone to so much trouble for you. You appreciate this, saying:

A)It's fabulous and so unusual. Where did you find it (bilgi

B)It's clever of you to save money by mailing things yourself.

C)Thanks a lot. It looks really home-made, doesn't it?

D)I love it, and it means a Jot to me because you made it.               .

E)I don't need a present. You shouldn't have wasted your time.

81-You're at work and you're absolutely starving. One of your colleagues starts to unpack her lunch. You'd love something to eat, but you don't want to ask her directly, so you hint, saying:

A)You shouldn't eat in the office, you know.

B)Are those sandwiches home-made or sD)That's not a terribly healthy-looking lunchE)Oh dear, those sandwiches smell delici61.D 62.E       63.C       64.B       65.D       66.A  67.B       68.C

75.A 76.A        77.C       78.C       79.B       80.D


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