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süper latif  ve konparatif le ilgili sözler ve  cümle ler 

Sagot :

Bungee-jumping is more dangerous

Swimming is less dangerous..

This man is shorter

This man is taller..

This apple is smaller.


This apple is bigger

They chose a darker brown paint than their neighbors..


They chose the darkest brown they could find.
This apple is the smallest.
This apple is the biggest.
Swimming is the least dangerous.
Bungee-jumping is the most dangerous.

They chose the darkest brown they could find.
Bulabildikleri en koyu kahverengiyi seçtiler



This apple is the smallest.
Bu elma en küçük.

This apple is the biggest.
Bu elma en büyük.

Swimming is the least dangerous.
Yüzme en az tehlikeli.




They chose a darker brown paint than their neighbors.
Komşularınınkinden daha koyu kahverengi bir boya seçtiler.

This apple is bigger.
Bu elma daha büyük.

This apple is smaller.
Bu elma daha küçük.

This man is taller.
Bu adam daha uzun.

This man is shorter.
Bu adam daha kısa.

Swimming is less dangerous.
Yüzme daha az tehlikelidir.

Bungee-jumping is more dangerous.
Bungee-jumping daha tehlikelidir.