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cilt bakım ürünlerinden 3 tanesinin tanıtımı ingilizce olarak biraz uzun olsun acilll

Sagot :

Non-Aerosol Hairspray

A fine, clear mist to give gentle, flexible control without stiffness or build-up. Hair looks and feels natural. Humidity-resistant.


Antiperspirant-Deodorant Roll-On

High-performance non-staining formula. Provides all-day protection from wetness and odour caused by perspiration. Rolls on easily, dries quickly.


Deep Comfort Body Butter

Luxurious, butter-rich body cream penetrates dryness-prone skin, delivering a new kind of softness to elbows, knees, heels. So silky, skin drinks it up instantly, stays soothed and comforted all day.

cream krem cilde sürülen