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• Akar ve durgun sular, insan ve hayvan artıkları ile kirletilmemeli, • Biriken çöpler hemen kaldırılmalı,

• Zararlı hayvanların, böceklerin özellikle, karasinek ve sivrisineklerin üreyip çoğalmaları engellenmeli,

• Kanalizasyon borularındaki patlamalar hemen ilgililere bildirilmeli.

• Yakıtların tam yakılması sağlanmalıdır. Böylece hem enerji kaybı, hem de hava kirliliği önlenmiş olur.


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Sagot :

Flows and stagnant water, and contaminate human and animal residues, • Accumulated debris should be removed immediately,


Harmful to animals, insects, especially flies and mosquitoes reproduce blooms prevented


Sewer pipes, explosions immediately notified to those concerned.



Complete combustion of fuels should be provided. Thus, loss of energy, as well as air pollution is prevented.

Mite and stagnant waters, contaminate human and animal residues and, • The accumulated waste must be removed immediately,
• Harmful animals, insects, especially flies and mosquitoes reproduce blooms prevented
• Sewage pipes explosions immediately notified to those concerned.
• complete combustion of fuels should be provided. Thus, loss of energy, as well as air pollution is prevented.