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Sagot :
One day in my life
Although I like going to the school a lot, it is always so difficult to wake up early in the morning. Nevertheless, I get up, take a hot shower, put the radio and have breakfast, Owing to the coffee machine I have that can be programmed to start making fresh coffee at a specific time when I have breakfast my coffee is always ready,
After getting dressed and brushing up my teeth, I go to school on foot. It only takes 20 minutes and I like walking in the morning. The birds sing and I inhale the fresh air deep into my lungs. I smell the smell of the trees and flowers. When I get to school, I pay attention to the lectures most of the times. However, sometimes I get distracted. It mostly happens when I have problems with my friends. Nonetheless, I often get head together and focus on my teacher as much as possible. If I cannot my teachers warn me and say "Pull yourself together, you have to learn this!"
I love lunch breaks. My friends and I rarely eat fast food for lunch that is really unhealthy but we love it. I often decent meals and try to stay away from sweets. A friend of mine cannot say no to sweets that is why we lure him with chocolate cakes when we want to convince him on doing something.
At the end of the school, I go home, freshen up myself after a long day and have dinner with my family. I do my homework when I have to and if I cannot solve a question, I send it to eodev.com so they can do it for me.
Although I like going to the school a lot, it is always so difficult to wake up early in the morning. Nevertheless, I get up, take a hot shower, put the radio and have breakfast, Owing to the coffee machine I have that can be programmed to start making fresh coffee at a specific time when I have breakfast my coffee is always ready,
After getting dressed and brushing up my teeth, I go to school on foot. It only takes 20 minutes and I like walking in the morning. The birds sing and I inhale the fresh air deep into my lungs. I smell the smell of the trees and flowers. When I get to school, I pay attention to the lectures most of the times. However, sometimes I get distracted. It mostly happens when I have problems with my friends. Nonetheless, I often get head together and focus on my teacher as much as possible. If I cannot my teachers warn me and say "Pull yourself together, you have to learn this!"
I love lunch breaks. My friends and I rarely eat fast food for lunch that is really unhealthy but we love it. I often decent meals and try to stay away from sweets. A friend of mine cannot say no to sweets that is why we lure him with chocolate cakes when we want to convince him on doing something.
At the end of the school, I go home, freshen up myself after a long day and have dinner with my family. I do my homework when I have to and if I cannot solve a question, I send it to eodev.com so they can do it for me.
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