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C. The weather is a problem, too. During the day-time it is hot, but he can't take off his scarf or long-sleeved shirts because the sun shines directly on him. It's really cold at night, but he can't carry a lot of clothes on his bike, so he just gets into his tent and tries to keep warm.

D. Communication can sometimes be difficult. He can speak English fluently, but people in these countries speak Arabic or French, so he is taking French classes in Mauritania.

A.Hasan Söylemez is a Turkish journalist and an explorer. He is also a dream hard weather conditions and he can survive without food or follower. He tries to make his dreams real, so he travels across the continent of

E. Can anybody start a journey like this? Maybe yes, but Hasan really needs some unusual abilities because he always lives on the edge. He can cycle long distances in Africa by Sahara, his bike. He plans to see 54 countries including 6 island states and travel nearly 60,000 km in three years. He often shares his experiences on socia water for a long time. He can fix his bike during his journey. The most difficult thing about his journey is living this hard adventure all by himself. media during his journey.

B. It is a long and tiring journey because his route includes many deserts. Sand storms and strong winds make this journey extremely difficult. He says can cycle fast when the wind blows behind me; it is a disaster when it blows directly into my face'.

F. 2 Hasan doesn't travel only for adventure; he travels to ask people about their dreams. So his journey has a meaningful name: Journey to Dreams'. He made a documentary series about his journeys and dreams in different countries.

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