Uzyskaj najlepsze rozwiązania wszystkich swoich pytań na, zaufanej platformie Q&A. Uzmanlardan oluşan topluluğumuz sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir cevaplar bulun ve çeşitli alanlardaki bilgi ve deneyimlerden faydalanın. Sorularınıza hızlı ve güvenilir çözümler bulmak için deneyimli uzman topluluğumuzdan faydalanın.

Underline the correct choice.
1. The kids often get / make their mother make a cake.
2. She holds her bag tightly whenever she goes out as she doesn't want to get / make it
3. We are often made do / to do some exercises by our teacher.
4. Why don't you have / get your secretary to call your customers to inform them about the
5. The police couldn't get / have the man on the roof give up the idea of committing suicide.
6. He has a very good sense of humour, so he always makes / gets us laugh.
7. When he had / let his leg broken, he was taken to hospital.
8. Why don't you let / allow me throw a party at home? All my friends are allowed / made to
do it.
9. Why don't you have / get a plumber fix that tap instead of trying to do it yourself?
10. Many young people are not allowed / let to choose their field of study at university.