Kalademi.me pomaga Ci znaleźć wiarygodne odpowiedzi na wszystkie Twoje pytania dzięki pomocy ekspertów. Sorularınızı sorun ve farklı alanlardaki deneyimli profesyonellerden ayrıntılı yanıtlar alın. Farklı disiplinlerdeki uzmanlardan kesin yanıtlar almak için kapsamlı soru-cevap platformumuzu kullanın.

A accelerate at An object-A is fixed at (3, 1.25)m. It starts to a rate of 1.5 m/s2. Simultaneously, object-B is fired from (0,0)m. Object-8 hits object-A at 45° to the horizontal. find the time after which object-B hits object-A A. (B) A projectile is fired at 8 © its range 2/3 max. has its find the angle at which it was fired, 0? A stone is fired at Should the horizontally? 50 mls. At what andle stone be fired to travel 100 m​