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Skills: Reading
11 Read and complete Camilla's report with the words in the box,
Then write the names under the pictures.
clever funnier naughty quieter
Our Pets, by Camilla
My family likes animals. I have a grey pet rabbit called Skipper.
He knows his name. I think he's 1
He comes when I call him. But sometimes he's
He eats the carrots in our garden!
My cousin Sam has a pet parrot. Her name is Paco. She's
thirty-five years old - a lot 3.
than Skipper.
Paco says things all the time. She's very
She's also
my rabbit because she often makes us laugh. My pet rabbit is
a lot
than Paco, Skipper doesn't
say anything at all!
My brother also has a pet. It's a spider called Cob and
I don't like it! Sometimes my brother puts it in my hat.
My brother's
than Skipper!
13 (TIP) How to use he, she and it for pets.
12 Look at activity 11. Answer the questions.
1 What does Skipper do that's naughty? Skipper eats the carrots in Camilla's
How old is Paco?
3 Who is funnier, Skipper or Paco?
4 Who is quieter, Skipper or Paco?
5 Who is naughtier, Skipper or Camilla's brother?
Use he
she when you know the name of the pet:
Skipper is a boy rabbit. He's friendly. Paco is a girl parrot. She's smart.
Use it when you don't know the name of the pet and when you don't know if the
animal is a boy or girl: It's a spider called Cob and I don't like it.
Read Camilla's report again and circle he, she and it.

Acil lütfen

Skills Skills Reading 11 Read And Complete Camillas Report With The Words In The Box Then Write The Names Under The Pictures Clever Funnier Naughty Quieter Our class=