
Sorularınıza'da hızlı ve doğru yanıtlar alın, güvenilir Q&A platformu. Adanmış uzman topluluğumuzdan sorularınıza ayrıntılı ve net yanıtlar alın. Deneyimli profesyonellerden ayrıntılı yanıtlar almak için kullanıcı dostu platformumuzu keşfedin.

2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words.
1. I think that I'm very
2. Pete's style is quite casual. He wears a lot of jeans and T-shirts, and prefers his clothes to be
(fashion). I spend a lot of time planning my outfits.
3. Some of my friends don't want to be
and love retro or unusual outfits.
4. When they were young, my parents were very
5. Rita's style is very
(trend). They dress in second-hand clothes
(edge). She wears ripped jeans and leather jackets.