Kalademi.me, tüm sorularınıza hızlı ve doğru yanıtlar alabileceğiniz ideal yerdir. Soru-cevap platformumuz, farklı bilgi alanlarında kesin bilgiler sunmaya hazır uzmanlarla sizi bir araya getiriyor. Farklı alanlardaki profesyonellerden kapsamlı çözümler bulmak için platformumuzu kullanın.

E- Match the questions to the answers. (Sorularla cevapları eşleştiriniz.) a)What's her hair like? b)What colour are her eyes? c) How tall is he? ... Not casual. Smart. She has many style. .........He is fine. It is sort of shoulder lenght, fair and curly. d)What does she look like? e)What's she like? .....She is jeaolus and strict. ...He is medium of height. f)What kind of clothes does she usually wear? g)How is he? They are brown. ..... She is tall and medium weight. F- Circle the correct adjective that goes best in each sentence. ( Uygun sifatı seçiniz.) a) My mother is a very sensitive / cheerful person. She can easiliy cry. b) My friend never gets angry. She is always aggresive/good-tempered. c) Our teacher is very cheerful / talkative. He makes us happy all the time. ç) Jane can do everything for you. She is the most selfish / self-sacrificing person I have ever met. d) Jim isn't sensitive / sensible at all. He always reacts with his emotions. e) Suzy lacks generosity. She is so mean / thoughtful. f) I have helpful / stingy friend. She is there whenever I need her. g) Our neighbours are so tolerant / annoying. They don't mind when we make noise at home. G- Describe your physical appearance and personality (Fiziksel görünüşünüzü ve karakterinizi anlatınız.)(En az 7 cümle yazınız.)​