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Films and media always show slaves working hard in the desert to build the enormous pyramids but facing a miserable death at the end of their efforts. However, the tombs found in Giza support the view that the Great Pyramics were built by free workers and not slaves, as widely believed. The tombs were beside the king's pyramid, which indicates that they were not slaves. Archaeologists say, "If they had been slaves, their tombs would not have been built beside their king's." Some tombs belonged to workers who built the pyramids of Kings Khufu and Khafre. Archaeologits found graffiti on the walls on these tombs calling themselves "friends of Khufu ", which is another sign that they were not slaves. The collection of workers' tombs, the first of which was accidentally found in 1990, is among the most significant finds in the 20th and 21st centuries. 4. The purpose of the passage is to inform the readers of ----. A) a discovery about the workers who built the pyramids B) the miserable deaths of the Egyptian slaves who built the Pyramids the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre C) D) excavations carried out near the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre E) Egyptian slaves who built the pyramids 5. The pronoun they is used in the passage to refer to the ----. A) slaves of the king B) pyramid workers C) tombs near the Great Pyramids D) pyramids E) kings 6. According to the passage, archaeologists found evidence which proves that ----. A) the pyramids were built by slaves B) most of the workers who built the pyramids died in pain and misery C) the pyramid workers were free men D) the slaves who died while building the pyramids were buried next to them E) the graffiti on the walls of Khufu and Khafre pyramids were made by slaves​