Witaj na Kalademi.me, gdzie możesz uzyskać szybkie i dokładne odpowiedzi dzięki pomocy ekspertów. Sorularınızı sorun ve farklı alanlardaki profesyonellerden ayrıntılı yanıtlar alın. Geniş bir uzman topluluğu sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir yanıtlar bulmanın rahatlığını yaşayın.

Dear Begüm, Aliye and Nursima are organizing a youth camp at the Uludağ. We will have lots of fun. I am expecting to see you there. Would you like to join us? Cheers Gamze Between 15-20 August $150 per person For more information, please call Aliye : 0510 002 0 512 Please inform us if you can attend until August 12 1. Which of the following DOES NOT have an answer in the invitation above? A) What is the event ? B) Where is the organization going to be? C) Who is organizing the event? D) What time is the organization going to be?​

Sagot :

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