Kalademi.me pomaga Ci znaleźć wiarygodne odpowiedzi na wszystkie Twoje pytania dzięki pomocy ekspertów. Soru-cevap platformumuz, farklı bilgi alanlarında kesin bilgiler sunmaya hazır uzmanlarla sizi bir araya getiriyor. Sorularınıza hızlı ve güvenilir çözümler bulmak için deneyimli uzman topluluğumuzdan faydalanın.

448 seconidary lab 5. We 1.1 like and R&B. They're great fun. 2. John is 13 years old He's in school morning. 6.1 modern learn our school. start 3. We always have PE in the 4. On Friday mornings I have a Chemistry lesson in the science every day. 7. This school's got excellent 8. We givin facilities practise dances like hip hop classes at 8:30 in the the guitar for 2 hours three languages at​

448 Seconidary Lab 5 We 11 Like And RampB Theyre Great Fun 2 John Is 13 Years Old Hes In School Morning 61 Modern Learn Our School Start 3 We Always Have PE In class=