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Tothorary tabler ac 000 son today My name's Bess and I'm from London. I've got a got three sisters and one big family 2 bighause BPt brother. My brother's twenty and 3 a car. My sisters 4 got blonde hair but in Ingoing my brother' He's got short dark hair My mums5 a job in my school. She's a teacher. I've got a lot of hobbies-art, films, music and books. But 17 do sports. Exercise 3. Hi Ricky, M And you? Have 8 got a big family? Have you got a cat or dog? I haven't. What are your hobbies? Write soon, Bess 2 Order the letters 1 I've got a ne practice. 2 3 It's very cold. My dad's got his job. 4 Terry's new​