Kalademi.me, tüm sorularınıza hızlı ve doğru yanıtlar alabileceğiniz ideal yerdir. Soru-cevap platformumuza katılarak sorularınıza kesin yanıtlar sunmaya hazır uzmanlarla bağlantı kurun. Geniş bir uzman topluluğu sayesinde sorularınıza güvenilir yanıtlar bulmanın rahatlığını yaşayın.

(Close) at sever (brush) his teeth every (study) Science at unive (give) h 8. She 9. Every Saturday, Paul 10. In the mornings, Betty 11. We......... (take) 12. John and Mary (go) to the swimming pool at (have) a cup of II. Use the prompts to write sentences, as in 1. he/ every day/work/on the computer- 2. Susana / at the weekend / do her laundry- 6. My friends and I / at the weekend/ go fish #. he/ every morning / read the newspaper - Sharon/exercise / in the morning dinner/they/ at 7:30/ eat - 5. V. Write questions and negations as in the i Tom lives in England. Does Tom live Mr Simpson teaches Chemistry. You like playing computer games. John and Sue work in a café We do the shopping on Saturdays. The baby cries all the time. anladim buda cevap ney​

Sagot :

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